Sunday, October 03, 2010

From the book "Who took my money" by Robert Kiyosaki

Rich dad often said,"It's easy to work hard and go nowhere. It's easy to stick to a job and blame your boss for not giving you a bigger raise. It's easy to say 'I can't afford it.' It's easy to say 'I can't do it' It's easy to blame your husband, your wife, or your children for your financial problems." He also said, "There are many lazy people who work hard. They continue to work hard because it is easier to keep working hard than to change." When it came to investing, rich dad said,"Many people just turn their money over to total strangers and wonder why they get such poor returns. Or many people seem to think that it should be easy to find a great investment. They seem to think that great investments grow on trees or should be handed to them. The fact is, it's easy to find bad investments. The world is filled with people offering you bad investments to invest in. If you want your money to work hard for you, you cannot afford to be lazy. Lazy people invest in the investments that ambitious people reject."


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