Sunday, October 10, 2010

What is money meant to u? To some people, money is just a piece of paper. To some, money is something we cannot bring along when we r dead. To some, money is a means to exchange for something we called happiness. To some, money is a seed.

Money means all 4 to me. Yes, it is a piece of paper, we cannot bring along when we r dead, it's something we use to exchange for another thing, and most importantly, money is a seed to me.

Indeed, money is just a piece of paper. It is a piece of paper that people are fighting over for. It's a piece of paper that can cause families to break apart, couples to quarrel. This powerful piece of paper has the most power man has ever seen. But in actual fact, as in a few entries b4, this is just merely an IOU.

Money is something we cant bring along when we die. Yes, I agree with that. It is also something that we cannot be without when we r alive. No one can predict how long we can live, so i rather i have excess of it when I die then I use up everything b4 I die.

Money is what we use to exchange for happiness. No one can doubt that. Whatever that happiness is, it's up to us. Some people label traveling as happiness, some label having a car as happiness, some label the Prada bag as their happiness. Without money, u can't have any of those.

The last one is the most interesting thing. Some value money as money itself. A $10 note is nothing more than a $10 note. People who think this way r usually those who tend to spurge on things. Because to them, money is just money. To me, money is a seed. A seed that can grow into tree. And that tree will produce more seeds and it'll grow into trees again and the cycle repeated. If u can make $0.10 to become $1, and make that $1 to become $10, and that $10 to become $100, then why waste even $0.10? Because every $0.10 that u waste, u're killing their potential to become $100. Because of this mentality, it is also why u see that the poor generally spurge on things like cable TV, the latest technology handphone, the state of art computer while the rich only have the very basic. For example, Warren Buffet, the billionaire investor, doesn't even has a handphone. The rich that I'm referring to r those who become rich from scratch. Because to them, money is a seed. And that is why the poor always label the rich as miser, because the poor can never understand the value of money. They cannot understand that $10 can become $100, and that $100 can become $1000.. And that is y they kill many seeds that have the potential to become money tree and therefore remain poor...


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