Friday, June 29, 2007

Everything boils down to vibrations. The table that we see, the chair that we sit on, the food that we eat, and even our bodies are merely vibrating atoms or energies. Light, colours are all quantum energies. Light is seen when electrons are excited and move up to the higher orbit. When the electrons move back to the original or lower orbit, it releases energies in the form of light. And that is how we perceive light. The red chair that we see releases different amount of energies compared to the same chair that is of another colour.

Everything is made up of atoms. And atoms vibrate unless it is at absolute zero(-273.15 degree celsius). And these vibrating atoms can be seen as a form of energy. So in a way, everything is energy. The chair we sit on, the keyboard we typed on, the screen that we r looking at, and even our bodies, are all nothing but energies.

From what we have studied in secondary school, the human eye can only see things that emit energies of wavelength between 450nm to 750nm. Therefore, there are many things or energies beyond these regions of wavelength that we cannot see. There are, however, some animals that can see things in the UV region that we humans cannot see.

The ear can only pick up sounds between the frequency of 20 to 20kHz. In other words, there are sounds beyond these regions of frequencies that we cannot hear. The same as for the eyes, there are some animals which can pick up sounds that the human could not.

So, back to the topic. Everything is energy and there are many forms of energies that we cannot see or feel. We can only see the part of our body which gives out energy of wavelength between 450 to 750nm, hear sounds between frequency of 20 to 20kHz. There are still other forms of energies within us that we did not know. But does that makes us an "incomplete" person?


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