Thursday, October 16, 2008

There's something that I dunno. I dunno myself. Have I not forgotten someone whom I thot I have forgotten? Or have I like someone whom I feel it's impossible?

We're all confused creatures. Sometimes I hope that there is this "meng po soup" where we can just drink and erase all memories, and start everything afresh again. But things aren't going this way. We need to remember to learn. We need to feel pain to learn what we need to learn. Everyone wants the easy way out, but what have we learnt at the end of the day, at the end of this life?

Something happened recently, and it affected me for a few hours. Mood, just like the stocks, plummet down, but within a few hours it went up to normal again.

What have I learnt from these event? Perhaps I have learnt that I need to seek more answers to understand myself. I know what to do, but the question is how to do? Things aren't that simple. We can't control ourselves, can we? If it's our body, our mind, why can't we control them?

Things, the way they are, should be left as they will be. We can't control other things, other people. Let it be. But we can change and improve ourselves.


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