Something happened to my wrist.. And this is the final result:

Allergy. To something that is so cheap. Cheap till nobody wants it and throw it on the floor at times. Hand itch, swollen, and blisters formed. So bad till doctors and nurses have a shock. Went to my GP and ten to the skin centre the next day. Setback by $114.
And the culprit is....

Didn't know I'm allergy to rubber band till now... In school gave students the worksheet and put it on my wrist. And it starts to get itchy by late afternoon, and by the night it starts to blisters. Poke a few blisters and the water oozes out from night till the next day evening.
The human body is like that. 1st time slight reaction, subsequent the reaction will get more and more violent. And that is the same way it responds to foreign host. So the next time it happens, I dunno how violent my body will respond..
Was talking to my cousin and told him that my hobby is to earn money and he told me that is his too. But he is so defensive. Saying it's hard to find money, there's no opportunities etc. Told him that he can find tuition at night and he said he forgotten everything. Tell him that can read up and he said no lobang for tuition. So much excuses... How can u say tat it's ur hobby when u dun find ways to do it? Just that, how can i say my hobby is swimming when i dun even swim?
People only hope and no action. Hope to have this, hope to have that, but no actions to get it.
The society decides what is good or bad, right or wrong. Different society has different norms. And they are all set by people. By people, for people. But whether it is really right or wrong, no one knows.
Religion, perhaps is a way to inculcate values in people in olden days. But people fear it more that they do not dare to question it. Since young, we are told by our parents of the religion and was expected to follow them. But have we ever question it? Or are we paralysed by the fear that our parents say will befall if we question it, which was told to them by their parents, without any question ask? The vicious cycle... End of the day, the century old belief passed down generations after generations. Times have changed, but the belief and fear remains as out dated as ever.
One by one, friends around are getting married. Was listening to Wisiang's wedding march-in song and remember his montach. Normally the life pic of the groom, then the bride, then how they become together etc. Some pics of us when we were in secondary school, when we meet up at punggol park to celebrate someone's birthday etc.
Memories of the days when we were in secondary school flood through my mind. The first day in secondary school. My partner then, Kaw Sen, who always knead planes out of kneadable rubber. The small size Teck Thong who squatted at the parade square, the class chairman Wisiang, whom a relief teacher called him handsome, Chie Siong who always bow to a few of us, Kang Yih, Kiam Hwee, Benjamin etc etc
Then as we grow up, in university. Teck Long, James, Johnson, Lindee, and the swappies from arts fac. The time when I was low, there's the swappies. Everyone care for each other. The happy times we had...
As we enter the working world, everyone is busy. Meet up is like once in few months or years. The times when we talk abt chatek, abt games, abt campfire is replaced by the share market, by current affairs, by politics. The topics are different.
Patterns of Life
Ever wonder what's the meaning of life? By default, everyone must go through birth, growing up, adulthood, ageing, and death.
So what's the meaning of everyone going through the same thing and in the end all leave the physical realm? Through ages, billions of people have been following this pattern. All come and go. Whatever experience they had, they take it with them to the coffin. What's the continunum?