Sunday, October 04, 2009

What's the next step?

Feeling very drained after my trip to Batam. Perhaps it's just like running. Once u stop, u'll feel more tired.

Been on my feet everyday for the last 2 years. I get uncomfortable having one day not earning any money. Having 5 sources of income is not what many people can do. I feel very happy, as I'm working for myself. But somehow the Batam trip really break my tempo and make me relook into my life again.

Miko said that sometimes we must slow down our pace to look at the scenery. I had not done that for a long time. Going to orchard once in a blue moon. Everyday is packed with relief, tuition, property, trading etc... Working 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

I began to wonder if property is for me. Think I have lost the drive. I begin to hate weekend, which means I have to help clients find houses. I prefer weekdays as I can go school to "babysit".

I like the freedom of doing what other people cannot do. But in the end I deprive myself from doing it. I like to go to airport and decide which country I want to go and immediately buy the air tix and just go. But I stop myself from doing that because I want to save up the money. One day on holiday means one day not earning money. And perhaps the $500 I save, if I put into trading, I may get back more than just $500.

Used to be a spendthrift, and now, at the opposite end of the spectrum. Suddenly realise the value of money after I came out from Army. And my parents not getting any younger, therefore I must have some money for rainy days. Because in Singapore, you can die but cannot fall sick.

I am thinking of starting a company. Cos I see my colleagues, mostly aunties, being IT illiterate. Therefore it came to my mind to help them do powerpoint presentation for them to present to their clients. Of coz, this can't be long term. But the fact that there's no overhead, it is still profitable to do. It is just another source of income, which adds to my 6th source of income, and for me to pull thru till my golden egg hatch.


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