Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Sometimes in life, it's hard to keep ur heads above water when everyone is dragging u down. Our perceived mindset, or thoughts can be distorted, either ours, or theirs. But end of the day, we must still fight and say "I've tried my best!"

What is right? What is wrong? It's all with reference to the society. As we grow up, we're all molded to what others want to see in us, or what the majority of the people do. The odd one out, is always discriminated and out-casted, not that he is wrong, but he is "perceived as wrong" compared to the rest of the society.

Sometimes, reality strikes right in their face, but they still defend their distorted beliefs that they r right, just because they're taught since young of that belief. Times have change, but these so called beliefs have not changed since the birth of mankind.


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