Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Was discussing with fren about marriage. More and more of his frens are getting married and he is getting the pressure. Is he trying to get attached just becos of peer pressure? For me, my stand is that I must be ready before I get married. Ready for everything. That is to say I have have some money set aside for my parents in case anything happen AND must have the money for the wedding. I see a lot of pple bankrupting themselves for just a wedding. And in case something happen to their parents at that point in time, they're as well as dead... Most people are myopic and only see what is directly in front of them.

I know I think too much. But I rather build a strong house before the big bad wolf comes. It gets really scary when people just live day to day. A lot of people does that. People say money can't buy happiness. But without money, u have to even stress over a bowl of rice or to quarrel over who should pay for the medical bills. Money can't buy happiness, but it gives u more time to go out with ur love ones, and to build a stronger relationship.

Fren was saying the other half should understand and wait til we build a career, but we should oso consider the other half. No girls wan to marry late. For example if the girl is in the late 20s or early 30s and u still want them to wait?? We want them to be fair to us, but dun u feel that we must be fair to them too?


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