Sunday, January 03, 2010

I'm very interested in the stock market. It is a great teacher, teaching us about life, of cos, in a very harsh way. Always treat it with respect and it is not a place where one can get rich very fast without putting in any effort.

The stock market is a reflection of life. The characters of people are all reflected in the stock market. The procrastinator, greedy person, fearful person, careful person etc are reflected by the way they buy, the way they sell, they way they hold, the way they handle the stocks.

I learnt a lot from the market. The most important thing is to cut loss. How many times have we procrastinate and the longer we procrastinate, the more we lose? We always hold on to a "HOPE". Hope that things will turn out the way we wanted it to be. Cos in our mind, we're afraid to lose. We want to win. So everytime we hold on to something, we're telling ourselves it had not ended. Things will go my way. But sometimes, just like in life, the "shares" may never go up again.


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