1) I want to be out of the rat race. I dun want the kind of work tat pays u little and u have to slog ur life for it. I want to be rich so that i have freedom to do whatever I want.
2) I find it scary that it takes a lot of money whenever u're stepping into the next stage in ur life. For example when wedding, it can easily wipe off the savings that u have for the past few years and start all over again. Therefore I wan to be rich so that I do not have to worry about finances when I reach that stage.
3) My parents are getting old and retiring soon. Medical costs are more expensive. I would want to try my best to give them the best medical attention when they need it. Rather it than having no money and leaving them to suffer. Hospital is not going to give u free treatment just becoz u're poor. Money comes before everything.
4) Spend 4 yrs in the Armed Forces. Salary is good, but i spend a lot too. Never know the importance of saving. Got a car at age 23 and that's where most of the money was drained into. End of the month, the account is just as abt the same as the start of the month. On top of that, I went to learn flying, after leaving the force, which set me back by about $12k. Therefore I have to work doubly hard, to catch up the "lost" income.
5) I wan to help more poor kids. With the that money I have now, I can only do that much. But if I'm rich I can help more people. Below is a pic that is craved into my mind. A pic of a falcon waiting for the boy to died of hunger so as to eat him. It's something that we in Singapore can never see or feel. If we say that we r very poor, I feel it's we ourselves that is the cause to our own current state. We have all the tools for us to survive. It's just a matter of whether u want to survive. How many r in debt becoz they did not control their finances well? In Singapore, we have compulsory 10 yrs of education, which, may not make us rich, but will definitely enable us to survive. It's something that I must take my hats off our Singapore government. We r in our current state becoz we choose to be it. Yes, if u r poor and struggling, it's becoz u choose to be. There internet for u to find opportunities, there's a lot of schools for u to earn some skills.
But for those kids there, do they have? They r like thrown to this Earth, born to hunger. Many did not even have a proper meal, that we always have, in their life time. They're just born to die. Many did not even have a taste of milk as their mothers r malnutrient and her body did not produce milk, and they r left to die hours after they r born due to hunger.
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