Sunday, November 15, 2009

How many of us really tidy up our finance, look at our debt, and try to tackle them. If we dun know how much is our debt or how much is our expenses monthly, how can we say that we want to grow our wealth?

The very first step to grow our wealth is to know our expenses and our debt. There's no point earning $3000 when u r spending $4000. Total expenses and total debt is what many of us did not really look into. U'll be surprised when u look at ur monthly expenses.

List out what r ur expenses and debt, as accurately as possible. Then sit down and think what u can do abt it. Can u cut down on some of the unnecessary expenses? For example, can u dine less in restaurant and eat more home cook food? Can u dun drive car and take public transport instead?

After cutting down on the expenses, hopefully the income is more than the expenses and debt. That is the amount u can save every month. It's idiot proof, even a P1 student knows abt it, but how many of us really do it?

After there is positive income, do we really want to park the money in the bank and to earn that little interest that is insufficient to beat inflation? Make the money grow. Invest it, or do whatever to make sure the money gets more and more.

If u can choose between waste and save, save. If u can choose between save and invest, invest.


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