Friday, October 23, 2009

Protons, neutrons, and electrons are not physical things but packets of energy or voids. And those non physical things make up atom. So atoms are non physical. And we r made of millions, billions and trillions of atoms, so we r non physical too. But why do we see ourselves as a solid and physical things? Thoughts change it to physical form so that we can perceive. A chair is just a mass of vibrating energy and is formless until we perceive it into the form we wanted it to be.

Experiments have shown that an electron behave like packets of energy or physical particles depending on the observer. When the observer wants to see it as energy form, it behave as energy form. When he wants to see it as physical form, it behave like a particle.

When a tree in the jungle fall, is there any sound? There is no sound, unless there is someone around there. We perceive things and placed it, from thoughts into physical form. Collectively as a whole, we use thoughts to change it into physical form. For example, when u can't see something, it's not there unless there is someone or u urself who perceived it to be there and it's there.


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