Wednesday, November 25, 2009

We're always in our comfort zone and does not wan to step out of it. Be it for fear, or for the unknown. But just becos of that did we fail ourselves terribly. Everyone is afraid of the things outside their comfort zone. A lot of "what if" enters their mind even b4 they step out. And that's why so many people, generations after generations, r stuck in the same social status.

Most of us have heard of "who and who started a business and failed" when we tell our parents we wanted to start a business. But how abt the hawkers who can still survive after so many yrs? They're business owner themselves. It's this kind of things that we r instilled since young that we r afraid of the unknown. We tend to focus on the negative things too much in the fear that we'll fail. It's a protection mechanism in human being. Too protecting that we encapsule ourselves within our beliefs.

The industrial age, which emphasize on the importance of a stable job, ended in 1980s. But our mindset had not changed. In times of recession employees found themselves on the chopping board. Cos they're too reluctant to change, or too used to what they r used to do. And generally employees seldom save and when they're chopped, they have nothing to fall back on. The mindset of "There's always a paycheck next month" is their own grave stone.

Being too much in their comfort zone, they've lost interest in things around them. Things that cause the whole economy to crash seems like something so distant to them. But it is in fact something that will affect them drastically.

I'm not against employees, just feel that they're over exploited. Company pay them $1000 and wants them to work $2000 worth of work. Work 12 hrs a day, only enuff time for them to go home and sleep and work the next day. I believe in earning everyday, even to the very last minute. Consider a job with salary of $4000- u work 12 hrs a day, 5 days a week. One month will be 240 hrs. U're only earning $16.67 an hour.

Those who make it big either do things that not many will do, or do things that not many dare to do. There r some jobs that pay volunteers $2000 to $4000 for 2 weeks in hospital for some clinical trial and they do nothing but take medicine and draw blood- Something that many abhor or afraid of. The same as in the stock market. Many warn of the dangers of the market coz a lot of people lose money. But I should say most of these people who lose money are those who refuse to gain more knowledge abt it b4 jumping straight into it with the HOPE of winning. With the right knowledge in everything, there's no guarantee safety or success, but the reduced probability of failure. And most of the times these r the jobs that pay well, higher than those stable jobs.


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