Friday, January 22, 2010

Seems like as days pass, I have fewer and fewer things to write about. Perhaps I'm beginning to shift into another phrase of life... More into the financial market.

The year has just started. And my goal still remains mostly the same. I shall not repeat again here. Right now I'm trying to get tuition kids... I need more tuition kids!!

I went into healthy lifestyle. Bringing cereal to school as my lunch. Cos one of the stall gives very small portion and therefore most of the students crowd the remaining stalls during recess. On top of that, the break of the teacher that I'm relieving happens to coincide with the students recess. Therefore I've decided to bring my own "lunch".

I am officially carless!! Felt so free that I've one debt less. However the car selling experience is very dramatic.

Advertised my car in sgcarmart for about 2 months and a buyer called me up to view the car. And he show interest and we negotiated the price. After that, he said he wanted to ask his fren to do the paperwork for the transfer and the bank loan. And when his bank loan is approved, he called me saying that I can hand over the keys. First time selling the car to direct buyer, I hand over the keys to him while his fren will settle the paperwork after that. And on the very evening, the buyer and the fren got into a fight and the buyer smash his fren with a beer bottle and send him to hospital. On top of that, buyer took his fren's wallet, which amounts to about $4k. And therefore the fren dun wan to do the paperwork. After the event, the buyer disappear. Got panic as the car is still under my name. Luckily the buyer's wife called me and assure me that the car is with her and she will take care of it.

The next day, I called the wife and told her that I wanted to take my car back. And I went down to drive the car back. On the way to collect my car, the buyer appear again and say he'll get another person to do the paperwork. After he put down the phone, his wife called and ask me not to sell the car to her husband as he may have a police case coming up due to the fight and taking his fren's wallet and it's unfair for me to drag the whole thing. Therefore, I got back my car and drove it to automart immediately and sell it off to 2nd hand car dealers, even at a price lower than what tat buyer gave. Really can't take such nonsense anymore.


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