Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Random Thots

1)The world is full of possibilities. The more we know, the more we dunno. The more we pretend to know, the more ignorant we appear to be.

2)Nothing is forever, nothing is absolute. Change is the only constant. The more we resist it, the more we abhor it, the more it comes.

3)Like in my previous blog, an electron can be seen as a particle or packs of energy. We see colours becoz the electrons move from one quantum level to the next and release energy in the form of frequency that correspond to the wavelength of the colour.

4)One electron, when approaching 2 slits, pass thru both of them at the same time. So if electrons are particles, how is it possible?

5)We attract what we think. Be careful of what u think. I've experience this thing many times. And this mind of mind, I'm actually a bit afraid, cos it has push me beyond my physical limit.

6)Maybe I should start sponsoring those kids in the 3rd world country again. Already stopped for a few mths..


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