Monday, March 15, 2010

Reached the first hurdle... Was talking to frens and they recommend me to give a talk to students instead of teachers, reason being:
1) more challenging to handle
2) credential
3) min entry level
4) can earn more

I understand what they r getting at. But to be frank, I take this as a training ground for me to talk to public in future.

1) Challenges- I'll be handling adults in future, so I see no point to talk to students. When talking to students in an assembly atmosphere, end of the day u're managing them, trying to get them to keep quiet instead of delivering the lecture across.
2) Credential- I think it builds a better credential to tell people I'm giving talks to teachers rather than to students in future when i go public.
3) Entry lvl- true, to give talks to students, there's no need any qualification. Any tom, dick or harry can do that. But it doesnt serve my purpose of public seminars in future.
4) Earn more- Actually I even dun mind giving free talk right now to teachers. I'm actually taking it as a exchange of ideas, to build confidence, to get experience of what I have to handle next time when talking to adults.

This so called company, to me right now, is just a training ground for me. The main thing is not profit. Of course if there is, it's a bonus. It is just a intermediary to the final objective.


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