Thursday, November 13, 2008

Sometimes I really wonder how people think. Was talking to my cousin and I told him that normally I dun drive out of hougang and he say that even if my car is parked at the car park I'm still losing money as the value depreciates, so I might as well drive. True, the value depreciates whether I drove the car out or not. If I seldom drive, my "expenses" is only the depreciating value, but if I drive out, I have to cover for my depreciating cost of car, my petrol and parking fees. Their mindset is like "Since it's depreciating, I might as well drive as much as I can to make full use of it." Isn't it illogical?

I was a victim of such loser thots last year. As people say, once ur car reaches 5 years, the value depreciates a lot. And that is why a lot of people change car before the 5th year, so do I. Somehow regretted changing car. If I had not changed car, I would have saved a hefty sum now as the previous car is already fully paid out. Just because I changed car, I am $900 poorer every month and my liabilitoes extend by another 7 years. Too late for regrets. Now can only minimise the car expenses since I can't do away completely.


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