Another Beginning of the Whiteaura
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Sometimes, to really help a person is to let go. Supposed to tutor some N level kids whose N level is just in a few days time. When they reach, I slowly take my own sweet time to walk down to meet them. After meeting them, I told them I'm going for dinner, even before I start tutoring them. I went for an hour dinner break, slowly enjoying my dinner and watching popeye.
The idea I wanna bring across- Nobody cares for u more than u urself! Not even ur bf, gf, parents. It's not our exams anyway. That's y I slowly take my time, hoping that they'll feel it. I'm not going to help them if I dun see any effort on their part.
To retain is not a bad thing too. If the mindset is not there, to advance up is a torture itself. Just like I used to have one student who wants to go JC, but in the end she gave way to temptation. Her mindset is not there. Even if I can make her go JC, she wun survive there. So isn't it more of harming her than helping her? The same as these kids. If the mindset is not there and they get promote, wun it be a torture for them next year when they had to fight with the cream of the country? I rather they repeat one year and go JC then save that one year and ended up in ITE. So my philosophy is, if the mindset is not right, I rather they retain. Retain one year, cannot wake up, retain again, until they wake up and change their mindset.
Anyway, not to worry. If they still can't wake up, I've found a job for them- SBS bus driver. Earns about $1100 per month, work 12 hours shift, waking up at 3am in the morning to collect bus, and sending the bus back at 11pm, with breaks in between. I respect bus drivers, cos they earn money with their own hands. They worked for the money.
The idea I wanna bring across- Nobody cares for u more than u urself! Not even ur bf, gf, parents. It's not our exams anyway. That's y I slowly take my time, hoping that they'll feel it. I'm not going to help them if I dun see any effort on their part.
To retain is not a bad thing too. If the mindset is not there, to advance up is a torture itself. Just like I used to have one student who wants to go JC, but in the end she gave way to temptation. Her mindset is not there. Even if I can make her go JC, she wun survive there. So isn't it more of harming her than helping her? The same as these kids. If the mindset is not there and they get promote, wun it be a torture for them next year when they had to fight with the cream of the country? I rather they repeat one year and go JC then save that one year and ended up in ITE. So my philosophy is, if the mindset is not right, I rather they retain. Retain one year, cannot wake up, retain again, until they wake up and change their mindset.
Anyway, not to worry. If they still can't wake up, I've found a job for them- SBS bus driver. Earns about $1100 per month, work 12 hours shift, waking up at 3am in the morning to collect bus, and sending the bus back at 11pm, with breaks in between. I respect bus drivers, cos they earn money with their own hands. They worked for the money.
Friday, September 28, 2007
Was at the airport and looking at the planes. Then I was thinking "What am I doing? Why am I standing at the gallery looking at them when I should be inside and flying them?"
Somehow along the way, I've lose my focus, my goal. It feels great to fly. The feeling of taking off and landing is beyond words. The few minutes standing at the gallery realigned myself.
Somehow along the way, I've lose my focus, my goal. It feels great to fly. The feeling of taking off and landing is beyond words. The few minutes standing at the gallery realigned myself.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
In the emergency room of a hospital, a young doctor was trying to save the live of a serial murderer, who was shot by the police and in critical condition. After hours of operation, he finally was able to save him from the gate of hell.
He left the operating theatre, and was cursed by the family of the victim for saving the murderer. He was a murderer and deserve to die. Why is he saving him? He began to reflect on this issue. Is it worth to save him? If he survive, will he continue murdering people again after he served his term? So is it wrong to save him? Will saving him do more harm to the society instead?
He was feeling perplexed until a senior surgeon came to him. "When he's lying in the operating theatre, he is a patient, not a murderer. And u're the surgeon."
He left the operating theatre, and was cursed by the family of the victim for saving the murderer. He was a murderer and deserve to die. Why is he saving him? He began to reflect on this issue. Is it worth to save him? If he survive, will he continue murdering people again after he served his term? So is it wrong to save him? Will saving him do more harm to the society instead?
He was feeling perplexed until a senior surgeon came to him. "When he's lying in the operating theatre, he is a patient, not a murderer. And u're the surgeon."
Life and death is intertwined... Cause and effect... Everything in this world seems so divinely related to one another. The death of one may lead to the life of another. The things u do now may have an effect on u later in life. The little things u do now may have a big impact on another person.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Your train is late. That "makes" you unhappy. You blame the world for starting your day on a low note. You look around, and notice that none of the commuters look as frustrated as you feel. Surely, many of them will be late because of the train's tardiness? It strikes you that if all are facing the same situation, what differs is the state of mind. But surely, you are not to blame? You analyse who is to blame. It cannot be the train itself. It might be the driver's fault. But you realise that playing the blame game doesn't make you any happier. And if it isn't the driver's fault, it must be your fault for making yourself unhappy. Even if you "prove" the whole world to be at fault, it doesn't make you any happier.
The foolish think they are victims of circumstances, while the wise see how the foolish victimise themselves with the circumstances. It is not that others make you unhappy, but your thoughts about what they say and do (or not) that makes you so. So, unhappiness comes from your thoughts. The good news - you control your thoughts. You can change your mind – about how you perceive things. If you wish others to treat you well, you have to first treat yourself well. This would include not imagining others can ever "make" you unhappy. This also means that others cannot give you happiness – you have to decide to be happy. Happiness depends on how you condition your mind internally; not external conditions.
It is alright to try to change others (or the situation) for the better – but you should always be the priority – change yourself first. If not, not only might you fail to change others, you will be unhappy when others remain unchanged. But if you have changed yourself, you will be happier already – even if others try to "make" you unhappy. Your life in the moment reflects your mind. Change your mind and your life changes instantly. For instance, a late train is a perfect opportunity to plan the day or simply relax. Why let it frustrate you?
The foolish think they are victims of circumstances, while the wise see how the foolish victimise themselves with the circumstances. It is not that others make you unhappy, but your thoughts about what they say and do (or not) that makes you so. So, unhappiness comes from your thoughts. The good news - you control your thoughts. You can change your mind – about how you perceive things. If you wish others to treat you well, you have to first treat yourself well. This would include not imagining others can ever "make" you unhappy. This also means that others cannot give you happiness – you have to decide to be happy. Happiness depends on how you condition your mind internally; not external conditions.
It is alright to try to change others (or the situation) for the better – but you should always be the priority – change yourself first. If not, not only might you fail to change others, you will be unhappy when others remain unchanged. But if you have changed yourself, you will be happier already – even if others try to "make" you unhappy. Your life in the moment reflects your mind. Change your mind and your life changes instantly. For instance, a late train is a perfect opportunity to plan the day or simply relax. Why let it frustrate you?
Perhaps I should say I'm beginning to admire teachers. How can they, despite the nonsense that students give, still able to go on? Most students nowadays.. No hope, no future. Or maybe becoz it's the students tat I'm exposed to. There's only a few good ones who wants to improve themselves. The rest are just wasting time in school.
Sometimes I really reflect if I'm like that when young. But I dun think so. Young kids(those who have not stepped into the working world, temp job not counted), and I repeat, young kids, are full of arrogance and think tat the world owes them a lot. They think that money will just drop from the sky without working for it. Yes, for them, they just ask their parents and the money will come to them. Students, especially those from neighbourhood school, are more arrogant and think that if they study, they'll beat those RI, RGS students. Come on!! Wake up ur idea!! Stop living in ur dreamland!! I can confidently tell u that u r feeling that way becoz ur school sets easy paper for u. U think with an easy paper, the passing mark is still 50%? U think those questions that u know, those from RI and RGS dunno??
If u have to learn the hard way and fail and repeat, by all means... Spoon feeding u will just kill u.
Sometimes I really reflect if I'm like that when young. But I dun think so. Young kids(those who have not stepped into the working world, temp job not counted), and I repeat, young kids, are full of arrogance and think tat the world owes them a lot. They think that money will just drop from the sky without working for it. Yes, for them, they just ask their parents and the money will come to them. Students, especially those from neighbourhood school, are more arrogant and think that if they study, they'll beat those RI, RGS students. Come on!! Wake up ur idea!! Stop living in ur dreamland!! I can confidently tell u that u r feeling that way becoz ur school sets easy paper for u. U think with an easy paper, the passing mark is still 50%? U think those questions that u know, those from RI and RGS dunno??
If u have to learn the hard way and fail and repeat, by all means... Spoon feeding u will just kill u.
I get quite irritated when people told me that "If I ...., I'll ..." Then I always reply them: "If I study hard, I'll be President Scholar and then be the President of Singapore." What crap! It's a coward way of admitting the fact that they cannot make it. Just like students always say "If I study hard I'll pass." It's damn arrogance and cowardice to say that.
1) What makes u so sure tat u'll pass if u study hard?
2) If u know u'll fail, why dun u study hard?
3) Y dun u just admit that u can't make it instead of finding unsupported evidence to make u sound as if u're very good?
1) What makes u so sure tat u'll pass if u study hard?
2) If u know u'll fail, why dun u study hard?
3) Y dun u just admit that u can't make it instead of finding unsupported evidence to make u sound as if u're very good?
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
A young man, born deaf, was visiting his doctor with his parents for a regular check up. The doctor excitedly told his parents about a new medical procedure, which he had just read about in a medical journal. In 10% of the people born deaf, full hearing can be restored through a simple, inexpensive operation. He asked the parents if they wanted a try and they quickly say yes.
That young man was one of the 10% whose hearing was fully restored. And he was so upset with his parents and doctor. He hadn't heard what they were discussing at his regular check up. No one asked if he wanted to hear. Now he complained that he had to endure the constant torment of noise, which he could make little sense of He never wanted to hear in the first place.
That young man was one of the 10% whose hearing was fully restored. And he was so upset with his parents and doctor. He hadn't heard what they were discussing at his regular check up. No one asked if he wanted to hear. Now he complained that he had to endure the constant torment of noise, which he could make little sense of He never wanted to hear in the first place.
Monday, September 17, 2007
Long ago, an emporor sought a philosophy of life. He needed wisdom to guide his rule and govern himself. The religions and philosophies of the time did not satisfy him. So he searched for his philosophy in the experience of life.
Eventually, he realised tat he required the answers to only 3 fundamental questions. With those answer, he would have all the wise guidance he needed. The three questions were:
1) When is the most important time?
2) Who is the most important person?
3) What is the most important thing to do?
After a long search, he found the 3 answers on a visit to a hermit.
1) The most important time is NOW.
2) The most important person is the one you are with.
3) The most important thing to do is to care.
Eventually, he realised tat he required the answers to only 3 fundamental questions. With those answer, he would have all the wise guidance he needed. The three questions were:
1) When is the most important time?
2) Who is the most important person?
3) What is the most important thing to do?
After a long search, he found the 3 answers on a visit to a hermit.
1) The most important time is NOW.
2) The most important person is the one you are with.
3) The most important thing to do is to care.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
To my new born nephew:
Welcome to this world! It's a world where u can learn many lessons. But it's also a world where u'll be led astray if u r not firm with urself. Know what is right and wrong. Know what u want and go for it. Dun harm any people. What goes round will come round. Dun ever give up on urself.

Welcome to this world! It's a world where u can learn many lessons. But it's also a world where u'll be led astray if u r not firm with urself. Know what is right and wrong. Know what u want and go for it. Dun harm any people. What goes round will come round. Dun ever give up on urself.

Monday, September 10, 2007
Read a student's blog about exams. It always seems that students hated exams. I, too, used to hate exams. But until I grad, came out to work, and then going back to do my masters, I began to like exams. I feel that it's the only time students can "insult" the lecturers. Sometimes I can smile and laugh quietly to myself while doing the exam paper. If u do what u like and u will excel. Do what u dun like and everyday will be a chore
Sunday, September 09, 2007
The Butterfly Effect
It is said that when a butterfly flaps its wings in one part of the world, it creates a tornado at the other part of the world.
The above sentence, is merely trying to say that whatever small thing we do, it has a chain effect and may lead to a bigger event.
Just like a simple smile that u give to the person beside u may brighten his day and may prevent a conflict with his superior later in the day, which would otherwise get him fired and financial problems for his family of 5.
A soldier pulling the trigger may kill his enemy, who is the sole breadwinner for his family. The family may get into hardship and the son may grow up to hate the opponent and enters the war etc etc... and the chain effect goes on and on... more and more serious.
Our mind, just having the thots of hating someone, may inevitably cause us to respond in such a way to project our hatred for him. That person senses it and react to us in a negative manner. This further reinforce ourselves that the person dislike or hate us and we'll respond in a more aggressive manner and the loop continues...
It is said that when a butterfly flaps its wings in one part of the world, it creates a tornado at the other part of the world.
The above sentence, is merely trying to say that whatever small thing we do, it has a chain effect and may lead to a bigger event.
Just like a simple smile that u give to the person beside u may brighten his day and may prevent a conflict with his superior later in the day, which would otherwise get him fired and financial problems for his family of 5.
A soldier pulling the trigger may kill his enemy, who is the sole breadwinner for his family. The family may get into hardship and the son may grow up to hate the opponent and enters the war etc etc... and the chain effect goes on and on... more and more serious.
Our mind, just having the thots of hating someone, may inevitably cause us to respond in such a way to project our hatred for him. That person senses it and react to us in a negative manner. This further reinforce ourselves that the person dislike or hate us and we'll respond in a more aggressive manner and the loop continues...