Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Have been observing people and things around these days. Studying the mindset, the way of thinking. Vicious cycle... I think it's very true. In order to break from it takes great amount of courage and effort. Generally speaking, when u see the parents, more or less u'll know what the kids will be when they grow up. Because the parents instill the wrong mindset into the kids.

Things have changed, everything changed except the mindset of common people. Gone r the days when studying hard will ensure that u will be rich or get a stable job. There's no job security these days. The recent recession has woken some people up, when they go to office and found that they have been retrenched, after working in that company for 30 over years. Dun get me wrong. Studying is important. But the way, or the focus of the study is wrong.

Many people have the mindset that the higher the education qualification a person has, the richer they will be. It is absolutely wrong! Our education system trains us to be good employees. Employees are always at the chopping board, waiting to be chopped. Always at the mercy of the company. In this recession, I'm sure some company, although still doing well, take recession as a good excuse to retrench some workers to cut cost. And who are the ultimate victim?

Before the full blown recession, that is before Lehman went bankrupt, a lot of investors had already cashed out the money. Which is to say that those who closely monitor this event had already known of this, and preparing for recession. And sad to say, it's the common people that are still oblivious to it and still spending as if nothing happen. Well, the full bloen effect is not here yet. Next year 1st or 2nd quarter, there'll be a lot of jobless people around.


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