Saturday, December 06, 2008

I dun wan to be average! The average is always the one at the losing end. He is always ignorant of things around and waiting to be axed.

The 80/20 rule. 20% of the people in this world own 80% of the wealth and 80% of the people own the remaining 20% of the wealth. I want to be in the former group! In this global recession, they have already predicted it and encashed their shares before the Lehman Brother collapse while the latter group, the 80% of the population are still ignorant to the situation and therefore affected by the collapse of the financial world in America. Due to the fact that they form 80% of the population, it becomes a "Global" Recession. While the 80% of the population are suffering the effect of the recession, the 20% of the population are making use of this opportunity to further increase their wealth or enjoying life somewhere..


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