Tuesday, November 25, 2008

There's this 80/20 theory, which states that 80% of people in the world owns 20% of the wealth and the remaining 20% of the people owns 80% of the wealth. Bill Gates, Jay Abrahams, Robert Kiyosaki, Anthony Robbins, Sim Wong Hoo, Adam Khoo are the latter few who are already millionaires. What makes them so different from the rest? The mindset!

Common people are lazy creatures, always giving excuses for their own failure. I told my dad about them who started with nothing and become rich and he say that it's because they are lucky. Instead of learning how he became rich or why is he so "lucky", common people just put a full stop to it. They accept "their own fate". They had given up on themselves, on everything else. But when they go casino they gamble like nobody's business, refusing to believe that they are not lucky...

Sometimes I pity some people, who always make it as though the sky is falling.. As though everything in the world is against them. Even when u praise them for doing a good job, they'll say u're just being sarcastic.. Hai.. Losers.. How and when will they be happy?


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