Friday, December 19, 2008

I am surprised to find that my reality has changed. Used to think that wanting to get a million dollars is a lot, of coz thru legal ways. But now is u ask me, I'll think that one million dollars is too little. My reality has changed. Used to think that I only need money enuff to survive, because all my frens does that. Now, although my frens are still doing that, I have changed. Perhaps I've got to see more and more successful people, more and more millionaire or even multi millionaire these days and it changed my context and reality.

For the past few weeks, I've been asking people how much an average Singaporean has in his bank, and assets, excluding car and house if he lives in the house. I am surprised that not many people have more than $100,000. Isn't it scary? At that time, I thought that $100,000 is a lot, because not many has it.

Once at a discussion with frens, one of them began asking us what is our goals in life. And my answer is "I want to be a millionaire by 35". Some of them surprised, some of them secretly laughing. How can I get a million dollars when I have nothing to my name now? But to me, I dun think it's impossible. In my context, it's impossible if i work to save that million dollars. There must be another way!

As I was searching for ways to get rich, I read the book, rich dad poor dad. And it says that if u wan to get rich, ur context must expand. After that I listen to audiobooks, attend a lot of preview seminar, in the hope of finding the answer. There were some that I found was good. And some did not fit the criteria. Some really open my mind. To me, I'm contended as long as I learn at least one thing from them in such seminar. I start analysing recession and depression trend in history, their cycle and recovery.

Perhaps the mindset and context must tally in order to receive it. It's like if u want one litre of water, u must have a container large enuff to store one litre of water. U can't use a small beaker! Only when u have a container large enuff for 1 litre of water will u be able to have 1 litre of water. There were many people who attended such seminars, but in the end gave up, because their reality and context is not aligned with what they want. Just like if u give $1,000,000 to a poor man, he'll spend it all within a few years. Statistic has shown that majority of the people, after receiving their CPF, will spend all within 7 years. Isn't it frightening?

I gave myself a goal. I'm taking $5,000 and multiply it to $1,000,000 within 6 years!


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