Tuesday, October 30, 2007

The society decides wat is right and wat is wrong, wat is good and wat is bad. Everything is based upon the concept of "social good"... During the caveman era, cannibalism is considered normal. During war, heros are conferred to those who killed a lot of the enemies. During Constantine period, those who believe in reincarnation was put to death. In ancient China, those girls who stay out with a guy will be drowned....

Monday, October 29, 2007

Our nerves are at a potential of -70 millivolts at resting potential, due to the movement of Potassium and Calcium through the cell membrane. Every action, every thought, every movement will trigger a change in the voltage across the cell membrane. In other words, we conduct electricity, and it changes with every little thing that we do.

However, we learn in physics class that a current will induce a magnetic field. Which is to say the human body induce magnetic field around it due to the voltages inside the body.

The law of gravitation states that the force between 2 objects is given by F= (GMm)/(r x r). Any 2 bodies, as long as they have mass, will produce a force between them. That is how the earth circles the sun, and how the moon circles earth. In the very same way, 2 person will exert an attraction force towards each other.

As technology advances, life expectancy increases. Our physical self last longer, but what about our mental and spiritual self? Although we can live longer, we're plagued by depression, stress etc. Medical science can only "repair" our physical body. Using of logic can only help to understand the logical things in the world. But what about the illogical aspect?

Mind versus brain. Happy versus laugh. Sad versus cry. One is the illogic, another is the logic. So does the so called "illogical" things control the "logical" aspect.

Aren't science, our so called basics of everything, is based upon the illogical? Nobody has ever seen an electron, a neutron or a proton. But they exist in all chemistry textbook today. Everything, when at the most basic form, falls back upon the so called atoms, electrons, protons etc, that nobody in the world ever seen. The dual properties of light, which says that light can exist as wave or photons. Who in the world has seen photons or light waves? It's all hypothesis made by scientists. Using of logic to explain illogic.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

To the students taking O level. Hope that it's not too late:

In different scenario and different subjects, there are different ways to tackle it:

1) Morning paper- On the day before the exam, must finish whatever u need to finish. Straightforward case

2) Afternoon paper- Must finish studying everything the day before the paper. Do not expect to leave some chapters to study for the morning of the very day. The morning of the very day should be left for some light revision and doing some past year paper to warm up the engine.

3) Go to the examination hall at least an hour before the paper starts. If u're late, u've lose the battle psychologically. U wun do as well.

4) Doing some last min revision just before the exam is all banging on luck. Dun expect a drastic improvement.

5) Sleep- Have enough sleep the night before

6) Dun stress urself too much. Sing or hum some songs while doing the paper. It'll lighten the mood and u'll do better. Too much stress or insufficient sleep will cause mental block.

7) Exam is nothing but a psychological game. Even if u've really studied and understand everything, u'll still get zero marks unless u can release it on to the exam script. Either one can be the lmiting factor. It's all in the mind, not the brain.

8) Time management- Manage ur time well and make sure u dun spend too much time on a question. Skip to the next question if u dunno.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Observe the trend... People working in different sectors will have different personalities. In some sectors, they are more grouchy, some jaded, some GL, some arrogant, some positive, some cheerful..

Shuling mentioned that my previous post sounded so sad. But I dun think so. On the contrary, I feel that it's a happy thing. Coz I learnt something...

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Chatted with Felicia this evening. She was teaching at a secondary school in the north. In her school, there's only 1 or 2 express classes and the rest all normal tech and normal acad classes. Then we were talking abt why are some teachers so jaded and given up on students. And we concluded tat it's EXPECTATION. The higher ur expectation, the more jaded u'll get. When u put in more, u'll also get more disappointed more easily. Just like me... sad to say, given up on all students after disappointment with one student last time.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Every little thing in this world tells a story.. A story of its own... And when we piece everything up, we get the whole picture. In the OJT, we learn how to read ads and how they tell us a story about that area. Interesting!!

The place we sit, the things we put on the table when doing presentation, and how we deliberately mess up some things on the table will determine the success rate of our presentations.. It's all playing mind games....

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Have we forgotten ourselves in the midst of our daily chores? What is the kind of life that you want?

I want a simple life. Maybe a rural area, or a suburb, surrounded by nature. Whereby there's rivers, mountains, and sky. Whereby the life is simple, everyone around is simple. No need to beware of anyone, everyone is friend, harmless to each other. Everyone is just they themselves, no need to put on mask everyday.

I like to be in tune with nature, whereby there's no computers, no internet, no handphone, no tall buildings. A few years ago, for a few days, I experienced this kind of life. Surrounded by nature, with no modern facilities- no handphone, internet, warm water.... Feeling so peaceful with everything, with the environment, with nature. I talked to the flowers, greeted them "good morning". But I can't find such feeling back here.


你羡慕 她的美貌
像鱼羡慕 鸟飞的够高
鸟却永远不了解 海的奇妙

你羡慕 她的情调
像沙羡慕 石的牢靠

其实是虚荣 戒不掉
才会忽略 每个 人不同的好

完美是 一个目标
有谁能够 全部做到

这世界 谁来决定
谁比谁好 谁更荣耀
只有自己才能让 自己微笑

Just like the song, only we can make ourselves smile.

Monday, October 15, 2007

The only constant thing in the world is change. Irony, yet the truth. The paradigm had changed... so fast, so constant. Those who can't catch up simply fall out from the rat race..

Was talking to Horng Lee last night and he mentioned that he scolded his student who did badly for her J1 promo till she cried. Unknown to her she had actually pass only one subject but her Geography teacher remark her paper in order to help her pass.

The school system is too kind to students. Why should the students deserve to advance to the next level when they dun meet the mark? Why should the teacher remark her paper to help her pass when in actual fact she should fail? Being so kind to them, they'll just take things for granted in future. The outside world is never going to be so kind to them. Are they actually helping them or harming them? If she dun make the mark, she should fail and retain one year. It doesn't do her any good for her to advance up to the next level. She wants to be promoted, what have she done to deserve that promotion?

Luckily I'm not in Ministry of Education. If not a lot of students will repeat.... The school should be a place for them to make mistakes and learn from it, cos even the fiercest teacher has compassion for the students, but not the society...

Sunday, October 14, 2007

My division director told us her story that when she just started in the company, she has a 6 digit debt behind her. She was a guarantor for a very good friend and he ran away, leaving her to clear up the mess for him. 6 digit of debt, and she calculated that if she find normal work outside, she'll need 8 years to clear the debt, provided that she did not spend a single cent and all the money that she earns is used to pay back the debt.

However, she joined this company and pay off all her debt in 6 months. Her friends asked her if she's angry with that guy for running away and letting her pay for him. She said that initially she's angry with him, but now, she has to thank him. If not for him, she'll still be a nobody.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Was chatting with Candy, Iverson and Patricia about marriage. And Candy mentioned " There's always someone better coming out. It's just a matter of how much committment one has."

Wednesday, October 10, 2007




My fren says that my actions and words dun tally. Theory and practical are always different, cos practical takes into account the other mitigating factors.

Just like I always believe that it's either u want or dun want. If u want, u'll go all out for it. Even till now, I still believe in it. But for my SIA thingy, why is it that it seems tat I've cooled down quite a bit. The issue here is not that I'm not going all out for what I want but that I dunno if being a commercial pilot is really wat I want, after taking into account the other factors like my parents, money issue etc.. If my parents are younger, or I have a lot of spare cash, I'll go all out for it.. But can I really do so?

Was talking to a fren and he mentions that one of the reason he broke up with his gf is that she is too negative. Every meeting with her is a complaint session. She would complain about everything from her work to colleague to family etc.. He couldn't imagine spending the rest of his life listening to her complain everyday.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

A lot of people say that looks are not important. I began to understand why... I look at my sister's photo before marriage, and now.. hai.... Before marriage, when she go coffeeshop buy food, those chef and helpers in the kitchen will come out to look at her.. and now... hai...

I think girls age much faster than guys. The girls around my age looks as though they're 30 years old. Especially once they start working, somehow or rather, the age starts to accelerate. Sometimes in just a few months span, u'll notice the change in them. Eye bags, dry skin, drooping cheeks, white hair... But the basis is that the change is quite obvious.

Saturday, October 06, 2007

Read thru my old blog..

Who r those who's always encouraging and supporting u when u're down? Saw a comment left by a good friend in response to one of my blog entry- always ur aunt agony or aunt blissful.

Who r those who are just like fireworks in ur life- come into ur life with a beautiful sparkle and then die down.

Who r those who come into ur life with a good intention, but leave with a dejected heart.

Who r those who come into our life, give us a stab, leave us, and make us grow.

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Read this entry in someone's blog. An entry abt a girl from Singapore Poly:

for every action, there is a consequence. for my action of being irresponsible and not studying, i had to face the consequence of being a year behind my friends. i could not blamed anymore but mself for not putting in the effort. i have realised that just for the fun of playing i had to pay a very high price for my action. form that experience, i have learnt that time is very precious and oone should be responsible for every action and to think very carefully before making a decision so that i will not have any regrets. time is precious. onces it's gone, it can never be recovered.

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Most people like to victimise themselves. I, too, often fall into this trap.

We use words like "I'm stupid", "I'm useless", "I cause misery to people", "He/she toying with my feelings" etc etc... But why r we using such words? R we trying to get others to pity us? R we saying it so that other people will feel for us, to stand on our side?

Those words, are good, if u do something to it. For example if u feel that u're useless and stupid that something happen, then do something so that it wun happen again. Usually, we dun take any action. We expect the whole world to change for us. But that's not going to happen. We can't change other people. We can only change ourselves! I always believe that after each fall, we must become stronger, not weaker.

Monday, October 01, 2007

Everyone wants a closure, but can they accept it?

Love urself as nobody will love u more than u urself. The purpose of life is to learn. But why must we learn. I was dumbfounded for a moment. We learn so tat we r able to handle it in future. We learn so as to grow wiser. Age is not merely a number. It's the wisdom and experience a person has learnt.

People come into our lives for a reason- to teach us things. Perhaps even to give us pain so tat we can learn how to handle it. We grow and change with every pain. If we dun, we'll experience it again and again..

Nobody has done each other wrong. And therefore we shouldn't feel guilty. There's no right and wrong. Dun victimise urself. U dun feel good, and it's not going to change anything. U'll only make urself feel worst and the cycle repeats itself. U've made the decision, so dun regret it. U can't turn back time. U cant change ur past, but u can change ur future.

Dun think of ending ur life, coz it's a cowardice way to avoid things. U made this decision, so dun end ur life and leave this mess to those who really care for u! Nobody, especially those who care for u, deserve to clear up the mess that u've created when u just end ur life and pass on the misery to them! Think of ur parents the moment before u commit suicide. How they pray ur arrival to this world 20 years ago. And if this is the way u're going treat them. If it's a problem that u've created, solve it! We'll always be here to support u.